Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Little people . . . more logical than we realize!!! ;)

Location:  Red Room

Our little kiddos come up with some of THE most creative words, sayings and meanings sometimes!  We have a little guy this week who wanted to go across the hall and "feed the turtles again, just like 'LASTERDAY'."

The majority of our three year olds attend our program two times per week, with a day missed in-between the two.  This little guy wasn't quite sure what to 'label' the 'last time he was here' and thus, a combination of "last time" and "yesterday" seemed rather fitting indeed ;)

Another Love and Logic Tip (encouraging kids to THINK)

How can we make sure that our kids are doing their fair share of the thinking? How can we keep ourselves from getting pulled into working harder on their lives than they are? How can we help them become prepared for a world full of decisions and consequences?

Replace statements with questions.

Some of the most powerful moments come when we empower kids by asking them what they plan to do about various situations instead of telling them what they need to do. The implied message we send says, "You are smart. You can come up with the answer." In my CD, Shaping Self-Concept, I teach that kids who are given this gift are far more likely to succeed in school and in life.

On top of that, the human brain has a hard time ignoring the questions it hears. It wants to search for the answers - it just can't help itself. What a gift we give kids when we get them to think versus telling them what to do.

A child who is redirected with the question, "Are you sure this is the right place for that behavior?" will respond much better than the child who is told, "Stop that!" One method invites thinking; the other invites resistance and battles for control. Which do you prefer?

In either case, we are enticing young brains to do lots of thinking by simply asking questions rather than stating "how it is." So, do your kids' brains a favor and feed them a steady diet of questions. Won't it be fun to see the smoke start rolling out of their ears?

Jim Fay

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Fragrant Mystery . . . SOLVED!

November 2010

During class a few days ago . . . the Purple Room was suddenly filled with a VERY unpleasant odor.  As "said" odor seemingly wasn't going to dissipate any time soon . . . Miss T grabbed a "flowery" scented can of air freshener and proceeded to FULLY envelope the room with the fresh, springy scent of fresh cut flowers.  However, after taking in a few long, full sniffs of air . . . Miss T simply declared to Miss H . . . "Well, now the room just smells like someone FARTED A FLOWER!"

Without even looking up from the table or slowing the current activity at hand . . . little-miss-adorable-four-year-old said, (a bit under her breath)  . . . "I did not . . . fart  . . . a flower."

Mystery solved.

Flower farting Pictures, Images and Photos