Tuesday, November 2, 2010


OK . . . so many parents know that the "Your Baby Can Read," program is completely bogus (as are all of the “turn your baby into a genius by plunking his/her little butt in front of a television/computer” sorts of programs), but I'm afraid that far too many are still buying into programs such as this.  SO, I was thrilled to see the creator of the “Your Baby Can Read” program confronted over the complete 'bogusness' of his money making program on the Today Show this morning (I was about 5 min late to work this morning, as I desperately wanted to watch this segment in its entirety).

There is NO research or scientifically based data that proves, or even supports the notion, that a child who is an early reader (sight OR actual phonologically reading) is any more advanced or intelligent than a child who acquires those same skills at a normal/typical pace.  Within a matter of years, both sets of kids are actually functioning and reading at the same levels.  In fact, the child who had academic material crammed down his/her throat as an infant/toddler, might actually be worse off in the long run . . . as he/she skipped over and missed all of those crucial building blocks in the process (I’m not referencing those extreme few who seek out such knowledge on their own, but rather those children who have it introduced/crammed in by outside means).

Please click on the link below and watch the Today Show segment (an ad will be shown before the segment plays).  What makes matters even worse for the “Your Baby Can Read” program, is that the developer comes across as a complete and total IDIOT.  He states that his infant was a better reader than he (as an adult) after going through his program!?!?!?  Seriously?  OK, so what does that imply about this guy’s intelligence level and professionalism???  Wow!!!


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