January 2011
Red and Purple Rooms
(if interested, see our session schedule below)
Noteworthy background info:
Little Miss "C" attends articulation/speech class one day per week in the Purple Room. She also attends a three-year-old preschool class (tuition basis), two days per week in the Red Room. "Grandma" is one of "C's" preschool teachers in the Red Room and thus, how I came by this particular blog story. Little Miss "C's" older sister, Little Miss "G (four-year-old)," also attends our school where she too receives articulation services. FYI: "Articulation" is how one pronounces the individual sounds that make up words.
The Set-Up:
One day earlier this month, Little Miss "C" insisted on wearing a pair of sunglasses that she had brought from home, throughout the ENTIRE 2 hr and 15 minute speech class in the Purple Room. Her teachers patiently accommodated the unusual "need" that day and allowed "C" to wear her glasses for the entirety of class. Side-note: We learn to pick our battles with these little people . . . and wrestling glasses off the face of an insistent three-year-old . . . yeah . . . NOT a battle worth fighting (and honestly, what does it hurt?).
After articulation class was over that day, the teachers from the Purple Room inquired within the Red Room (Grandma) as to the "reason" behind "C's" humorous persistence in wearing her dark sunglasses all session long.
The Story:
"C's" mother woke her that particular morning when the direct rays from the sun were shining through her window and across her bed. "C" stretched and complained about how bright it was. Our sweet, innocent, little three-year-old suddenly stated that she needed her "Bitchin' Glasses" to help block some of that bright sunshine. Needless to say; M.O.M. - W.A.S. - F.L.O.O.R.E.D and proceeded to inform Little Miss "C" that she was not allowed to use words like that! The morning progressed with Little Miss "C" following Mom around the house, demanding to know where her "Bitchin' Glasses" were. Her mother, of course, repeatedly scolded "C" for using such a word. "Mom" simply couldn't fathom where her sweet little daughter had picked up such a word and why she insisted on repeating it . . . even after multiple scoldings not to do so. "C's" level of frustration was beginning to peak, as was her mother's, when big sister "G" finally stepped up to her mother (with her own look of exhausted frustration spread across her face) and asked, "WHY can't 'C' wear her fishing glasses Mommy?!?!?"

A quick break down of our session schedule:
Speech/Articulation Groups (for children on IEPs who qualify for artic needs only):
Held in Orange, Green and Purple Rooms
-Mondays from 11:15 to 1:30
-Fridays from 8:30 to 10:45
Three/Four Year Old Sessions:
Held in Red and Yellow Rooms
-Mon & Wed PM (11:15 to 1:30)
-Tue & Thur AM (8:30 to 10:45)
-Tue & Thur PM (11:15 to 1:30)
-Wed & Fri AM (8:30 to 10:45)
Four/Five Year Old Sessions:
Held in Orange, Green and Purple Rooms
-Tue, Wed, & Thur AM (8:30 to 10:45)
-Tue, Wed, & Thur PM (11:15 to 1:30)